

There is often some confusion among our patients when it comes to understanding the difference between IPL and laser hair removal. Both treatments produce energy in order to disrupt the growth cycle of each hair follicle to reduce hair growth without damaging the surrounding tissue. However, this is where the similarity ends. The main differences between Laser and IPL hair removal, lie in the technology that each use to generate the light.

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Epilarea laser – moft sau solutia salvatoare?

Se apropie primavara, cu zile insorite si calde! Vom renunta la pantaloni si fuste lungi preferand rochiile usoare. Odata cu venirea sezonului cald incepe isteria programarilor la cabinetele de cosmetica pentru epilarea parului nedorit, orele lungi de asteptare, goana prin oras “ca sa nu pierzi programarea”, iar pe plaja ies la iveala complexele legate de foliculita (bubitele) aparute dupa epilat. De aceea ne-am gandit sa va informan despre mult controversata EPILARE DEFINITIVA.
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